Links to articles about pi
The Quest for pi
Famous article by D. Bailey and the Borweins
a question of numbers (Hayes)
Why pi
Ramanujan, Modular Equations, and Approximations to Pi or How to compute One Billion Digits of Pi (Bailey, J. Borwein, P. Borwein)
On the rapid computation of various polylogarithmic constants (Bailey, Borwein, Plouffe)
Recognizing numerical constants (Bailey)
From number to formula (Ivars Peterson)
fast multiprecision evaluation of series of rational numbers
binary splitting method explained
how to compute digits of pi
the miraculous Bailey - Borwein - Plouffe pi algorithm (Steven Finch)
pi and the fibonacci numbers
approximations to Pi via the Dedekind eta function (Garvan, J. Borwein)
notes on pi and phi
Pi: A 2000-Year Search Changes Direction (Adamchick and Wagon)
BBP method explained
How to compute the 100 Billionth Binary Digit of Pi (P. Borwein)
Remarks an arithmetical algorithms and the computation of pi (Arndt)
Pi Talk of J. Borwein