I've actually got some plans for this page (imagine that!), both in terms of software and images. Maybe an article or two as well. All of which must wait until my new supply of copious spare timeTM comes through… In the mean time, here are a few recent items, one old, the rest new. All interesting though!
New! I've finally gotten around to writing up my collection of books and such on fractals. Think of this as an old-fashioned (i.e. before 'Amazon.com') shopping list. I've placed it on my bibliographies page as Fractals (of course, but you knew that right?)
My current screen back ground for Windows could be one
Just found these on a Bourbaki CD! It wasn't dusty, but only because I had it in a safe place. These next fractals are the skillful result of my mis-typing— Miss Serindip strikes again… I had been given the carefully created formula by my cohort, Michael Campbell, but somehow I messed up the transcription. Whatever the cause, the efffect was well worth the effort! In case you were wondering about their genesis, these are distantly related to the class of fractals known as 'Newtons', i.e. iterative functions using the Newton-Ralphson method to find the zeros of an equation. This particular group was written to handle up to 5th order equations, and if I remember correctly often had some rather interesting constants as coefficients.
Yet another New Flash— I'm hot on the trail of the elusive 24-bit Fractal and thanks to my trusty compiler, I believe I've found a few worthy of a look see or two…