Languages I'm currently comfortable in and with (in
un-biased un-order)…
Perl — My Perl fan page!
HTML — A page linking to experimental pages
for trying out new web pet tricks
- Lisp — Ramblings about 'lots of silly insipid parenthesis'
Python — an article about
converting from PGN to XML
- C
C++ — Not as much fun as 'C', but still…
- Assembler — My first 'real' language was IBM 360 BAL; Basic Assembler Language. My guide to this arcana was a book entitiled 370/360, Assembler Language Programming by Nancy Stern. Despite what some may tell you about low level programming, few offerings in those long ago days offered as much power— heady stuff!
- VB
Platforms I like:
- Unix (any)
- Windows (any)
- Palm OS
Favorite excuse to program:
Chess This is an article about what it takes me to go from playing a game in a tournament to posting the game on this web site. It is extremely dated, but I keep it around since it shows the process and my solution. It is still not a solved problem and I'm still looking for ways to smooth out the speed bumps— someday!
- Money
- Fun
The lists on this page point to links, articles and code that I've
published on this site. In some cases, there are also links
to current news/articles/updates and such like as seems
useful. There are no restrictions on the code, not even
copy-left! Just plain old what you see is what you get free
stuff – and darn well worth it…